Tuesday, 31 January 2023

January 2023 update

Thing learned along the way
Looking like I might have to do reshuffle of a few things, mainly to do with club produced materials.

Inevitably, some document groups are going to have different name/date/vol naming conventions.

Added all extant digitised Bendigo yearbooks to Yearbooks.

Added seven issues from 1971 and 1972 of the Perth-based Soccer Scene magazine to Newspapers.

Added three Doug Butcher results and match detail compilations - one each for the Socceroos, Olyroos, and touring sides to Australia to Books.

Added the extant digitised copies of the original run (1922-1928) of Sydney's Metropolitan Soccer Football Association program/news organ Soccer News to Newspapers.

Added extant digitised copies of Northern Soccer News from 1963 and 1964 to Newspapers.

Added extant digitised copies of Northern NSW Soccer Federation yearbooks to Yearbooks.

Added a couple of issues of Australian Football Weekly to Newspapers.

Added a few things to Books.

Added a selection of the local extracts of the Australian version of Shoot magazine to Newspapers.

Added three seasons' worth of The Brown Bugle, a University of Queensland Soccer Club newsletter/fanzine to Fanzines.

A few additions of items to existing sets, as well as a couple of additions of improved versions of a couple of files.

Saturday, 31 December 2022

December 2022 update

Things learned along the way
Entering multiple creator names into Internet Archive... no good entering a comma or a semi-colon. You gotta enter a whole separate metadata tab. Not hard to fix though if you didn't do that.

Turns out adding files to already existing sets is a breeze.

Completed uploads of extant Soccer News (Victoria), except for the heavily damaged 1968 files.

Fleshed out the Books page a little bit.

Created and fleshed out the Club Histories page a little bit. 

Added Harry Hetherington's 17 volume History of New South Wales Soccer to the Books page.

Added Three Pints and a Hangover, a Northern Spirit fanzine, to Fanzines.

Added The Score fanzine to Fanzines.

Added Soccer Week (1974-1975) to Newspapers & Magazines

Added National Soccer Monthly and Aussie Soccer (turns out they're the same publication, sorta) to Newspapers & Magazines.

Created a Thesis page.

Created Reports & Reviews.

Added Albury-Wodonga yearbooks to Yearbooks.

Added a few years of Goal! Weekly to Newspapers.

Added some Australian & British Soccer Weekly to Newspapers.

Added 1983 issues of Tasmanian Soccer Association news to Newspapers.

I think I've uploaded most of what I have available from Croatian-Australian Soccer Tournament programs.

Have started uploading National Soccer League match programs.

Already up were the complete run of Studs Up, Leopold Method, and Soccer Action.

The Yearbooks section is a bit messy, because what's a yearbook vs what's an annual vs what's a media guide vs what's a season guide?

And lots of other stuff I've already forgotten. More to come.

Saturday, 10 December 2022

First update

Added all extant and available Victorian Soccer Federation / VASFA yearbooks to the Yearbooks section.

Added extant issues of Carlton SC fanzine My Blue Heaven to Fanzines section.

Added 1986 South Melbourne Hellas journal to Yearbooks section.

Merged the newspaper and magazine tabs. Renamed a few other things.

Thursday, 8 December 2022

Inauspicious beginning

This site is in the very early stages of trying to replace Mark Boric's "Melbourne Soccer" blog, beloved for its Australian soccer text archives, not quite as beloved for its scathing commentary on Melbourne soccer politics. You can't please all of the people all of the time.

Where Mark used Google Drive for his archival storage, I will be using the Internet Archive. It's more tedious to upload things on the latter, but on the plus side, Internet Archive is free, has an anarchistic sharing ethos, and also has increased functionality for things like searching, accessibility, etc.

Updates will be intermittent, depending on personal work schedules and general motivation. Blog structures and layout are subject to change depending on how I figure out things along the way.

March 2024 update

Slack, but whatever. Have begun adding Western Australian yearbooks to Yearbooks.