Thing learned along the way
Looking like I might have to do reshuffle of a few things, mainly to do with club produced materials.
Inevitably, some document groups are going to have different name/date/vol naming conventions.
Added all extant digitised Bendigo yearbooks to Yearbooks.
Added seven issues from 1971 and 1972 of the Perth-based Soccer Scene magazine to Newspapers.
Added three Doug Butcher results and match detail compilations - one each for the Socceroos, Olyroos, and touring sides to Australia to Books.
Added the extant digitised copies of the original run (1922-1928) of Sydney's Metropolitan Soccer Football Association program/news organ Soccer News to Newspapers.
Added extant digitised copies of Northern Soccer News from 1963 and 1964 to Newspapers.
Added extant digitised copies of Northern NSW Soccer Federation yearbooks to Yearbooks.
Added a couple of issues of Australian Football Weekly to Newspapers.
Added a few things to Books.
Added a selection of the local extracts of the Australian version of Shoot magazine to Newspapers.
Added three seasons' worth of The Brown Bugle, a University of Queensland Soccer Club newsletter/fanzine to Fanzines.
A few additions of items to existing sets, as well as a couple of additions of improved versions of a couple of files.